"he chose other boys. you chose art. there, better?"

Rasanya kayak gempa susulan hehe.
Tahu kalau mantan udah ada pacar tapi gak bilang. Bukan urusan gue memang, cuma keinget aja kalau dulu alasan putus karena katanya mau fokus sama diri sendiri dan semacamnya lah. Akhir akhir ini memang entah kenapa gue lagi keingat dia melulu dan magic nya doi manggil jam dua pagi beberapa hari lalu bilang kangen dan i've-been-thinking-about-you-lately-too-i-don't-know-why-and-i'm-sorry-but-i-do-really-miss-you-sometimes.

Makan tai.

I think I should draw a fine line, I don't think you can befriend an ex. And apparently - aw come on cav who are you kidding - okay fine, I'm not exactly moved on. It's just I had my fair shares of distractions.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

I wish, I didn't have the courage to send you that message in the first place.

- - -

Anyway, Tyo, I found solace in him, so thank you... *sniff* Like a bowl of warm soup. :'<


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