
On the 3rd attempt, finally, I finished this movie.
I always fell asleep during the 3rd story,
the one with the blizzard and yuki onna.

My fave is... the last dream!
" Village Of The Watermills "
It's about a young man, he finds himself entering a peaceful village then he meets an old wise man who's fixing a watermill wheel.
Uhm... at the end of the story, they have a funeral of an old woman, which instead of mourning, they celebrate the funeral as the end of good life.
(bagaimana grammar gw sejauh ini?)

Saya suka nikahan rubah di cerita pertama, ceritanya sedikit seram sih.
Saya suka anak ganteng di cerita kedua, rasanya ingin dibawa pulang.
Saya sebal cerita ketiga, alurnya terlalu lamban, tapi klimaks nya nendang di akhir, dan juga... seram.
Saya merasa seram dan juga sedih di cerita keempat. Terowongan, anjing gila, arwah prajurit perang. Duh.
Saya suka efek cerita kelima, jalan-jalan di dalam lukisan Van Gogh? Tepuk tangan.
Saya suka dialog di cerita keenam :

The red one is plutonium-239. 10,000,000th of a gram causes cancer.
The yellow one in strontium-90. It gets inside you and causes leukemia.
The purple one is cesium-137. It affects reproduction.
It causes mutations. It makes monstrosities.
Man's stupidity is unbelievable.
Radioactivity was invisible, and because of its danger, they colored it.
But that only lets you know which kind kills you.

Saya kembali mengantuk di cerita ketujuh ini, The Weeping Demon.
Dan segar kembali di cerita kedelapan, cerita yang saya ocehkan diatas.

Well, overall, this movie is great!
Hmm, gak cocok untuk mereka yang mencari 'hiburan semata' sih.
Gak sedikit teman saya yang menonton ini dan menggelengkan kepala, mengerutkan dahi atau berkata "Film apaan sih ini?!"
Tapi harus dicoba! Ya ya ya!


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