
Sebangunnya dari tidur,
(gue mimpi gempa! dan melanjutkan tidur, gak sanggup lari karena mata sangat lengket)
gue langsung setel DVD dan melanjutkan tidur-tiduran gue sambil selimutan.

Seperti biasa, saat gue baru bangun tidur adalah saat mood gue busuk.
Cranky and ugly.

Dan ternyata film yang gue pilih adalah film yang salah.

Judulnya, seperti judul post ini, yang dalam bahasa Inggris berarti,

" 5 Centimeters Per Second : a chain of short stories about their distance "

It's an anime, dan seperti film Jepang lainnya yang selama ini gue tonton, it's a slow-pace movie.

Film ini, tergambar dari cover-nya, bercerita tentang apalagi kalo bukan CINTAAA.

Hahhh. Yak, film ini terbagi menjadi 3 chapter pendek, yang kalo ditotal durasi film nya cuma 60 menitan.

Chapter 1 : Oukashou

Ceritain si tokoh utama, cowo ganteng namanya Takaki Tonou yang saling suka sama Akari Shinohara,

dua-duanya sama-sama murid pindahan, yang sering banget pindah-pindah karena kerjaan papanya.

Mereka jadi dekat dan gitu deh... sampai satu waktu si Akari diharuskan pindah lagi.

Jadi mereka saling bertukar kabar lewat surat. Ya, surat dengan kertas dan amplop.

" Yaelah, pake HP aja napaaa! " uh-oh, sinis amat gue, ternyata itu awal taon 90-an, jadi belum ada HP.

Chapter ini sebagian besar dihabiskan dengan perjalanan Tonou yang nyamperin Akari pakai kereta,

sambil kedinginan karena musim salju,

dan begitu deh...

Chapter 2 : Cosmonaut

Takaki sudah kelas 3 SMA dan juga pindah ke sebuah tempat yang lebih jauh lagi. Chapter ini diceritakan lewat sudut pandang Kanae Sumida, temen sekelasnya Takaki yang doyan sama Takaki.

... I love this chapter!

Later, Kanae observes that Takaki is always writing emails to someone, or staring off into the distance as if searching for something far, far away and despite her feelings for Takaki, Kanae believes he is searching for things far greater than anything she can offer and eventually decides against telling him how she feels. Awwww.

Chapter 3 : 5 centimeters per second

2008, dan ketiga karakter sudah pisah dan jalan masing-masing.

... chapter ini dihabiskan dengan 5 menit lagu " one more time, one more chance " sambil menceritakan akhir dari film ini.



Dan gue pun melempar bantal ke layar TV.

Gue galau sampai sekarang!

Lagu " one more time, one more chance " itu sendiri translationnya pas sekali sama film ini.

Dan rasanya lagu ini yang ngebuat gue - sangat galau.

I'm always searching, for your figure to appear somewhere

on the opposite platform, in the windows off the street,

even though I know you couldn't be at such a place.

If my wish were to come true, I would go to your side right now

there would be nothing I couldn't do.

I would put everything on the line and hold you tight.

If I just wanted to avoid loneliness, anybody would have been enough,

because the night looks like the stars will fall, I cannot lie to myself.

One more time, oh seasons, fade not.

One more time, when we were messing around.

I'm always searching, for your figure to appear somewhere

at a street crossing, or in the midst of dreams

even though I know you couldn't be at such a place.

If a miracle were to happen here, I would show you right away

the new morning, who I'll be from now on

and the words I never said : " I love you "

The memories of summer are revolving,

the throbbing which suddenly disappeared.

I'm always searching, for your figure to appear somewhere

in the town at dawn, at Sakuragi-cho

even though I know you couldn't be at such a place.

If my wish were to come true, I would go to your side right now.

There would be nothing I couldn't do.

I would put everything on the line and hold you tight.

I'm always searching, for fragments of you to appear somewhere

in a store during my travels, in the corner of newspaper,

even though I know you couldn't be at such a place.

If a miracle were to happen here, I would show you right away

the new morning, who I'll be from now on

and the words I never said : " I love you "

I always end up looking for your smile, to appear somewhere

at the railroad crossing, waiting for the express to pass

even though I know you couldn't be at such a place.

If our lives could be repeated, I would be at your side every time

I would want nothing else

nothing matters except for you.

Jangan salahkan gue kalo ada grammarnya yang aneh,
karena gue ambil dari subtitle DVD,
dan bahasa Jepang yang sebenarnya sulit diterjemahkan jadi english.

Mengenai judulnya, 5 seconds per second,
diambil dari kecepatan gugurnya kelopak bunga Sakura, metaphorically,
menggambarkan manusia,
mengingatkan akan lambatnya sebuah hidup,
dan bagaimana manusia memulai semuanya bersama-sama tetapi perlahan-lahan berpisah,
menjalani jalan hidupnya masing-masing.


You should, watch this movie.
Enough said.


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